December 2020 A.M. The Daily Page

God’s word …works like a good watch. If you are new to our service we welcome you! JC…


What writer or news service lulls you to sleep?   If you are tired of writers and news services who massage you, lie to you or pretend to take your side.   Then you have come to the right place.   Angelcraft Media Staff.

God’s word …works like a good watch. If you are new to our service we welcome you! JC

communicate, so try not to worry. José María Chavira M.S. I pray that everyone has a safe and great 2021.

MMXII December 31, 2020: Communications and News Regulations: UTC + 14: Hello, we hope you have a safe and Happy New Year.  If you are new to our service we welcome you.  Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co is an emergency media alert service. We offer some articles, opinions, news and access to free digital books. We invite you to browse our website. If you are new to our service, the media, political news, and general information are in a state of emergency. This means that television, radio, cable, wireless technology, and the Internet are not perfectly reliable.

Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co has been a provider of extraordinary emergency news largely ignored by major news providers and even regulatory agencies. There are billions of pieces of information that we could discuss with you, but we believe that it is unwise to compete with the media. Since 2012, important news providers and distributors such as CNN, BBC, La Jornada have been denounced along with politicians and various news conspiracies that stand out in their news. For more than nine years, regulators, representatives, or the attorneys representing them have not yet contacted our offices regarding the news and media issue. Our emergency protocols require that we stay in one place and be available to contact in person or by phone.

MMXII December 30, 2020: Metro Maryland UTC + 14. Using WBALTV news, Terrorists recently targeted Federal Express, a very American looking company which flies the colors of the nation.

In a recent article, a woman blamed Federal Express for poor delivery in an incident which a camera caught what looks like a poorly dressed mentally ill man dropping a package that was not his on the her doorstep. The state psychiatric hospital is no longer around. The video shown at WBALTV is clear evidence that whoever was behind this knows nothing about Federal Express.

According to public information readily and easily available Crownsville Maryland is a “Census-designated place CDP” in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. This kind of information seems harmless, but in an information emergency “the Freedom of Information Act” give terrorists ammunition. In an information emergency some information should not be made public and can be used by terrorists to make citizens feel like they are being horded up into very focused concentration groups, though that may not be the case. Compared to the US Census Bureau, the entry in today’s Wikipedia example has that sort of feeling.

The last twenty years things have steadily gotten worse in the United States as its Freemason politicians encouraged a new type of white supremacy. By the evidence, it is a sort of national socialist and communist style white supremacy erasing the Legend of Ronald Reagan who worked so hard to protect Americans and the world from white supremacy aggression.

Despite the recent Fedex incident, Crownsville is still a very beautiful suburb. However it, like other areas, are affected by acts of white supremacy . The state psychiatric hospital moved out about 3 years after the trade center bombings taking with it badly needed jobs in an area with less than 2,000 people. Today news providers for the city of Baltimore have a category heading titled “school closings” and Government buildings have also closed.

The public designation of CDP is one which terrorist also use.  To them it might mean the Communist Democratic Party.  By placing this information on  wikipedia for all terrorists to muse on, they make it look evil.  This might also have the effect of making people paranoid and that is a very un-American thing to do. Americans go to war with countries and even ideologies that try to bully the world. Look at what happened to Germany In World War II. If America is true to its nature, its citizens will not allow the country to become another Weimar Republic.

MMXII December 29, 2020: Metro DC UTC + 14.  Located five blocks from the White House, the Harrington Hotel is the oldest continuously operating hotel in the city and has a reputation as one of the most affordable hotels in the heart of the District of Columbia. But in recent months, Harrington has gained a new reputation: the hangout of the Proud Boys.

According to the Independent, a right wing militant group called The Proud Boys has made the Harrington Hotel its unofficial headquarters when its members arrive in town. With their characteristic black and gold colors, a large number of the group spent part of the afternoon of December 12 openly drinking and singing in the street in front of the hotel acting more left wing than right wing. Maybe they are confused. Their ages ranged from adolescence to 50 and 60, although most appeared to be in their 30s and 40s. Others filled the outdoor patio at Harry’s, the hotel bar, where they had met the previous weekends and on July 4.

MMXII December 28, 2020: Reading & Books UTC + 14. Welcome to The Daily Page. Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co is an emergency media alert service. We offer some articles, opinions, news and access to free reading.   If your local library or school has been closed due to coronavirus: has many free books available to read in various languages. At this service there are still many free books and materials available without having to check them out.  You should not have to give your information or give your consent into any agreement to borrow a digital book. Borrowing a real book at a real library is another matter.

There are lots of free books on the internet . But you have to give your information to websites controlled by people who you do not know and we are inside a very dangerous information emergency. During the current mass media , political news and information emergency,  terrorists are pretending the world with politicians no longer alive and business and government information that has led to closing of government buildings and major businesses and cities. Information and political terrorists have plunged the world in to a economically and psychologically depressed state; even before COVID-started.

During this information emergency, we recommend that you keep a vigilant watch on business, organizational, government and political news and information,  as if their news and information were a rabid dog that wants to bite you and infect you with its rabies. We also recommend prayer and reading good books. There are many books available from the National Archives in various formats that do not require you to provide your information or require donations. We recommend that you save your money during the information emergency.

MMXII December 27, 2020: Metro World: UTC + 14: Do you like to be terrified? Well, according to a recent news article on CNN, 54 million Americans are feeling the effects of hunger, 205.4 million Americans are at risk of disconnections and loss of service on one or more of their public services, and 9.9 million Americans are not current with their rent or mortgage payments.

In Germany, as of 2017, there are more than 930 food banks affiliated with the centralized federation of German food banks providing food to millions of Germans and the demand is growing. The city of Munich and its surroundings are home to six of the ten richest districts in Germany. But this region is also home to 18 food banks.

The percentage of Germans at risk of poverty increased from about 12% in 1995 to about 16% in 2014, according to a government report published in 2017. The report claims that more Germans are taking part-time, low-paid and insecure jobs . . A published report on the distribution of wealth in Germany reveals that inequality and poverty are increasing. In Germany, the elderly have been the hardest hit by the economy. The number of retirees living below the poverty line has risen from around 10% to 15% since 2005, according to a study published in 2017. These are the effects of white supremacy whose forces are being brought to justice.

Are you tired of being terrorized?  Consider reading a new book.  The national archives offers free books in languages from all over the world!

MMXII December 26, 2020: Communications and News Regulations: UTC + 14: Hello, we hope you had a good Christmas. Welcome to The Daily Page. Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co is an emergency media alert service. We offer some articles, opinions, news and access to free reading. We invite you to browse our website. If you are new to our service, the media, political news, and general information are in a state of emergency. This means that television, radio, cable, wireless technology, and the Internet are not perfectly reliable.

Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co has been a provider of extraordinary emergency news largely ignored by major news providers and even regulatory agencies. There are billions of pieces of information that we could discuss with you, but we believe that it is unwise to compete with the media. Since 2012, important news providers and distributors such as CNN, BBC, La Jornada have been denounced along with politicians and various news conspiracies that stand out in their news. For more than nine years, regulators, representatives, or the attorneys representing them have not yet contacted our offices regarding the news and media issue. Our emergency protocols require that we stay in one place and be available to contact in person or by phone.

MMXII December 25, 2020: Merry Christmas Eve! UTC+14 Hello:  Today is Christmas! Baby Jesus, God the Father, Mary and the Holy Spirit have given us great justice and continue working for us.   Have great Christmas day!.

MMXII December 24, 2020: Christmas Eve! UTC+14 Hello:  Today is Christmas eve! Baby Jesus, God the Father, Mary and the Holy Spirit are working to give you justice and keep your Christmas peaceful.  Have great day!.

MMXII December 23, 2020: Holiday Programing: UTC+14. Christmas Eve and Christmas postings for Our Daily Pages which will be brief and short are programmed in UTC+14 – 9 which should get them posted around midnight in our standard time zones.

MMXII December 23, 2020: Christmas & COVID-19: UTC+14: Our Christmas gift to you is awareness. Using mediums like government and organizational websites, television, cable, wireless and radio, terrorists are going to continue lying to you about politics and  COVID-19. 

Despite repeated warnings by the world crown to stop all conspiracies, the latest set of terrorists are determined to depress your nations and control your lives and minds with their COVID-19 and virtual political leaders.  Terrorists want your faith  and your trust.  Simultaneously, they want try to drive your nations into economic depression while encouraging you to celebrate or even criticize men no longer in politics and who have been brought to justice for very serious crimes.

Christmas presents today abound  Here is another. As sure as the sun rises, terrorists are going to continue to pretend to care for you as citizens and to save your lives from their psychological hoax called  COVID-19.  After they save your lives, they are going to find another way to keep you psychologically sick and politically misinformed while continuing to oppress you with their white supremacy propaganda. 

White supremacy propaganda might be the latest story about Barrack Obama or activist writing that protests Apartheid anything that will distract and win your support to their cult political terrorists conspiracy; one filled with secret child trafficking and secret handshakes by what John F. Kennedy once termed a ruthless and monolithic conspiracy.

This Christmas like every month thereafter, make sure to keep tabs on terrorist news so nothing takes you by surprise  and be wise with your money.   There is no more valuable a gift than we can give  than helping you to protect yourself from terrorism.   At least that is what we think.  

MMXII December 22, 2020: Moving Vehicles:  UTC+14: In this great big giant world in which we live, there are slow moving vehicles which can be very large and fast moving vehicles which can be very small. The moving vehicle is a mass transit term also used by police and the law. Do not step in front of a moving vehicle. You may get hurt.

A vehicle is something that transports people, animals, water, petroleum, merchandise, even dirt & rubble in small and large quantities. Whether or not is has an engine, a vehicle which can transport you miles in one hour, should be respected. Perhaps the most practical and affordable vehicle is still the bicycle a concept which we are still building on even today.

Safety, efficiency, reliability, affordability, sustainability and environmentally friendly is what humans need more of and what they look for in transportation more each day as our planet gets older and wiser.  Welcome to the Moving Vehicles a new category and website of Æ in association with Angelcraft Media .A.M. with you always an emergency service

MMXII December 21, 2020: Transportation Era: UTC+14 After men had tamed the horse and the camel, they looked to the elephant and even the giraffe. They rode upon rhinos and hippos and took rides on the backs of dolphins; and by their courage and daring humans were transported at supernatural speeds and distances through water and on land with the help of animals. Then humans invented the carriage that would be pulled by horses and the ship which was powered by the sail and human will. Today we continue to be transported by horses and we still have ships powered by sails and human will. But there are improvements-. Now we have horses inside our cars and ships without sails. We can even fly in the air faster than the speed of sound and navigate and transport human life around the world and even to the moon. Welcome to the Transportation Era a new category and website of Æ in association with Angelcraft Media .A.M. with you always an emergency service.

MMXII December 20, 2020: Public Transportation: UTC+14:  A long time ago lived a man eager to marry a woman, the desire of his heart.  The man, who owned a horse, sang songs to her, wrote her poetry and even danced for her.  The entire time he courted her, the woman mused on the man’s method of transportation and told her father who finished watching the courtship of his daughter .  When the man finally asked the woman’s father for the her hand in marriage, the father responded “I don’t about marriage just yet, but I have need of a good horse to send our harvest to the market and my daughter and her brothers and sisters to school.”

“In exchange for some wheat, I can lend you the horse” the man said. “I also have a camel to transport your family to the city.” And just like that public transportation was born

Angelcraft Media A hand pulled rickshaw Dalhousie Square south Calcutta India December 18, 2011

Public transportation has a very old history.  Animals were our first taxis, trucks and even school buses.  Even humans carrying other humans have worked in public transportation.  They still do today.  Now Trains, Metro-rail, People Movers, Cars, Buses, Trucks, Ships and Airplanes serve humans all over the world.

MMXII December 20, 2020: Public Transportation: UTC + 14: Hello and welcome to The Daily PageTrains, Metro-rail, People Movers, Cars, Buses, Trucks, Ships and Airplanes serve humans all over the world. We welcome you to read the entire post  at Our Daily Pages or Æ Public Transportation  a new category of Æ.  

MMXII December 19, 2020 Politics News & Regulation: If Americans had any hope of Joe Biden it was erased the very first time he was featured in a news story with a false Valdmir Putin or with another politician who has been brought to justice. However Americans are not alone as in Mexico , China and around the world the powers behind this terrorism are determined to end their dynasty with false faces in news  using every medium possible. The day will come when everything comes crashing down, but it will not be banks or the currency. With Christmas less than a week away, people around the world were out getting some last-minute shopping done.

MMXII December 19, 2020: Æ Wheels:  From the smallest wheels to the largest to the wheels, the wheel has been one of the greatest innovations since it has been invented.  The wheel may have been inspired by the sun or the moon as men and women observed them travel across the sky.  Or perhaps the round every day objects in peoples lives, things as simple as snowflakes.  Whatever inspired the wheel, today it remains as simple as the day it was first created.

Wheels come in various sizes and can be as small as a seed or as large as a house.  From the skateboard to motocross, from industrial applications to jewelry and home appliances, the wheel, a never ending circle, will forever be an important part of life.

MMXII December 18, 2020: Opinion:  The domestication of wild humans in their native habitats is on an ongoing project around the world. They can be like ravenous wolves sometimes.  The wolf is a fine animal and very predictable in its native habitat, unlike a wild human.   Every single day the wolf looks for a small animal or something to eat. Other animals do the same.  There are owls who watch a lake for hours waiting  for just the right moment to strike.  Predators have a daily mission and that is to feed their bellies.

Like it or not we have come to live a world where some humans, wild humans, truly act and behave like animals do.  Theirs  is  a way of thinking and they are people who do not believe in God.   Perhaps that is how they were raised. Unlike a wild animal, a wild human  has choices and can become civilized.  A dog must struggle.

The occasional  wild human, can still be spotted in its native habitat.  They have not gone totally extinct yet.   They run free, sometimes naked the ways dogs do in a world that often takes them by surprise. Dogs have no choice but to run around in their God given natural and naked state with everything hanging out.  It is not their fault.  A dog does not know they are naked, even if you tell them.  In the garden of eden story Adam and Eve knew they were naked, but their dog who did not make into the story, remained the same.

Unlike most civilized people, the wild human hates to stand in line and wait and so God invented the the fast food restaurant and the drive through.  But there were still complaints, so God invented the TV dinner.   That was not enough.  So then God came up with Instant Rice and Cup o Noodles and the automatic fresh hot water dispenser finally taming the wild human enough that some have even come to believe in the Holy Spirit.  I am still working on having more faith in these wild humans myself, but I think that if dogs can be taken from the jungle and domesticated, then so can the wild human.

MMXII December 18, 2020: Offices: The Little Feelings Repair Shop by JC Angelcraft can be read at EL Emergency literacy 

MMXII December 18, 2020: updates: Æ Sections has been updated

MMXII December 18, 2020: In house corporate communications: Organic Transits Latin America Free Advertising has been updated. We advise Organic transit that we have no one assigned to communicate with them right now.  When the current mass media emergency is over we will assign a representative to be in touch to coordinate any improvements they may want to their free advertising.

MMXII December 18, 2020:  In house corporate communications: Business alerts:  Still undeveloped AE websites are being reserved.  For example AE Automotive.   These businesses  have nothing to do with the  AE news network websites which have a uniform appearance, feel and carry our emissions.  AE with any word following it is not copyrighted nor do we prohibit or object to its use, but not imitating us.  Our  AE products are clearly distinguishable from all others and we are confident that there should be no confusion.

MMXII December 17, 2020: News & Regulation : UTC+14: Hello: Welcome to the Daily Page.  We anticipate no contact will be made by news regulators or attorneys representing the politicians who have been denounced and brought to justice. If this changes, we will retract this posting.

The situation in the news around the world has been the same and ongoing since the first waves of justice hit the political arena and business world in 2011-2012. It would be nice if this was all a bad dream and everything in the world was as the news reads.

If the world was as the news depicted, the pope would be the pope, the president would be a real person and the coronavirus would be killing people, just like terrorists want.  If the world was as the news pretends it to be,  there would be no need to dispatch assassins to the homes of activists  or conspire against good people the way terrorist do to those who do not support their conspiracy.

Perhaps the last thing any activist expects is to be refuted at knifepoint while terrorists steal critical equipment and information from that same activist who was  just trying to help the world. So why would people under prosecution (government, business and organizational) go to all that trouble, if their conspiracy were not guilty of very serious crimes against humanity?

Furthermore, why would the conspiracy, which is still under investigation, prosecution and trial today, repeatedly attack activists, investigators, journalists, prosecutors, judges around the world; while also stealing evidence, destroying evidence; assassinating or attempting to assassinate, and cover up major crimes if their conspiracy were not guilty or if their conspiracy did not exist as some claim?

Looking back at Marisela Escobedo Ortiz ‘s crusade against the same conspiracy, we can only conclude that we are doing the right thing, just like she felt, she was doing the right thing.   Marisela Escobedo Ortiz was a Mexican activist from Juarez, Chihuahua, who was killed while protesting Mexico’s government for the murder of her daughter that occurred in 2008.

If the world was as the news depicted, I would have to concentrate on greater crimes, just like Marisela Escobedo Ortiz did and not have to worry about mass media, political news and general information. However, the news business has turned an already monstrous situation, into the pit of hell.

There was a time when investigators, journalists and lawyers around the world died like flies, just because they wanted, searched for and demanded truth. That was when the world of news was more honest and courageous.  It seems that corruption has extended our situation unnecessarily.

MMXII December 16, 2020: Communications & News Regulation: UTC+14: Hello:  Welcome to the Daily Page.   Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co is a mass media emergency warning service.  We provide some articles, opinions, news, access to free literacy and light reading.   We welcome you to navigate our website.   If you are new to our service, political news in the media and general information are in a state of emergency. This means that television, radio, cable, and the Internet are not perfectly reliable.    Since 2012, major news providers  and  news distributors like CNN, BBC, La Jornada have been denounced together with politicians and various news conspiracies that they feature in their news.   

Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co have been a provider of extraordinary emergency news largely ignored by major news providers and even regulatory agencies.   There are billions of pieces of information we could discuss with you, but we feel it is not wise to compete with mass media.   For more than nine years, regulators, lawyers, politicians and major news providers such as CNN, BBC, La Jornada and major news distributors have not yet contacted our offices.  Our emergency protocols require that we remain in one place and make ourselves available for contact in person or by telephone. 

MMXII December 16, 2020: Health & Justice : UTC+14: The great show to see who is going to be the hero that will cure a false coronavirus is still in motion. Then there is Operation Warp Speed another show that travels at the velocity and speed of a snail. Operation Warp Speed (April 29, 2020) turned out to be  Operation “let’s see how long we can extend the coronavirus”.  As a result, an economic and psychological catastrophe ensued.

More than ten years ago, Donald Trump made a complete psychological operation using coronavirus, this was before COVID-19.  Donald Trump was brought to justice  together with many other international politicians and leaders.  After his disappearance, people tried to take over his organization without informing of his death.  This was the work of the international political and business conspiracy which today finds itself still being judged by God.

The Coronavirus has a long history, since the 1960s see Info 1 and info 2 for more details.  Also see The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Medical Journals.   Since the 1960s, specialists in infectious diseases all over the world have in their usual and standard fashion discovered new strains of coronavirus, the latest being in China 2019 according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD, 20894 USA .

According to public information, Operation Warp Speed (OWS) was passed by a questionable Congress on March 27, 2020 in the United States of America to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines an important part of a show starring Donald Trump whose videos were made more than ten years ago and his Show premiered 2016 and continues even in his absence.

The Donald Trump Official YouTube account, his most prestigious and personal account, which started Feb 23, 2006  ( See Department of Justice ) tells a sad story about the tragic end of Donald Trump, one where in the end of his life, no one gave him a funeral and they continued on to pretend he was alive because a lot of money and real estate was up for grabs.  Trump also had filmed an entire presidency that could technically last 8 years.  Donald Trump accomplished many of his films before 2011.  Experts in criminal justice now use this one account as a key and tool to fighting terrorism.  

There really is no need to complain. Everything terrorists love will be taken from them; and no opportunity for anarchy or a counterattack will be given them. Every effort at ethnic cleansing, genocide, terror, political deception medical, health and business conspiracy is being met head on by the forces of justice.

It seems that each wave of coronavirus is an atheistic and communistic surge of fear. Nothing else explains a lack of the fear of God in the face of very measurable and considerable justice. A fear of God is a good thing and those used to being the instigators of fear are now feeling the fear of God, but only when its to late.

Tomorrow is another day and you can be sure new terrorists will continue to try to be your Christmas and coronavirus  heroes and they will never tell you the truth about their conspiracy.  For their efforts, they will be brought to justice just like all others before them.

MMXII December 15, 2020: Science & Astronomy : UTC+14 A small group of International Scientists & Astronomers have made a breakthrough in communication with JC Angelcraft without using a compass, wireless, a telephone, the Internet or technology designed to communicate.

Of the many requests that have been submitted over these last years, perhaps the most important questions have to do with making of the Universe.  At Dimensional Speak and at Angelcraft Aerospace are authoritative writings that solidify a fundamental understanding of the universal principles and empirical forces that make planets, solar systems, galaxies and universes possible .

In both fiction and non fictional writings JC Angelcraft has taken the best of knowledge that we have attained and tied it together with the authority of the Holy Spirit; the spark of life and immense strength of force whose powerful empirical forces and laws of physics make everything work in our universe.

JC Angelcraft ensures that more science fiction writings will also be published. Unfortunately, the planet still needs more nonfiction justice. Because science has been unable to prove many theories, including the Big Bang theory, JC Angelcraft does not feel the need to confirm them and instead offers more accurate information. We are just facing the first empirical truths and precepts of our universe and the “Big Bang Theory” is like trying to ride a bicycle before it was even invented.

MMXII December 14, 2020: UTC+14: Offices by JC Angelcraft 

“How can we beat what they  just wrote in The Daily Page,” said Carl the ginch

“It is easy,” answered Glen the ginch, “We just lie in the news and tell people to look at videos of Donald Trump wearing a coronavirus mask on YouTube and say, “see, no one has been judged,”

“But if we do that more ginches in leadership will be brought to justice” suggested  Greta the ginch

“A  least a hundred 100 a day!”  exclaimed Glen the ginch  “but we will retain our dignity, at least for a little longer.”

MMXII December 13, 2020: Logic & Reason: UTC+14: Why would God judged the world’s greatest and most popular political leaders those who fight the criminals and are trying to save world; who film themselves going to church, talk about God and preach the bible while fighting the terrorists?  Perhaps they were not the men we thought to them be.   And those who followed them and protected their reputations also got brought to justice.

Why would God selectively judge doctors, lawyers, judges, journalists, politicians, medical administrators  militaries, government workers and businesses people all who are trying to save our world from the coronavirus?   The truth is that those brought to justice and were not the heroes that they pretended to be.  They were in fact false heroes and they were judged with their political conspiracy together with their virus which is also false.

The false people  in many ways resemble “The Friendly People” a  political satire written by JC Angelcraft of a conspiracy  made up of false people.    Being false seems to be a trend and still a popular way of thinking. The false people and their false virus have inspired the writing of false superheroes.  A new era in falseness has now been created and turned into a new non-profit educational industry through Angelcraft Comics and Angelcraft Aerospace which seek to also entertain while educating the general public.  For some samples click on the the link.

Once again, that people in opposition to goodness, prosperity, education, safety and security are reminded that their political heroes and leaders were false and have been brought to justice. Nothing personal, but the families whose children and family members have perished, are certainly grateful. We remind the public that the political and information conspiracy working to protect these so-called political heroes continues to be brought to justice. It is a very logical and necessary cycle of justice that God is giving us and it comes with the blessing of the Holy Spirit.

MMXII December 12, 2020: Health & Justice: UTC+14: The justice of God has impacted the conspiracy so much that now the great coronavirus recovery is in motion and the vaccine still withheld. In other strings of information, the vaccine for coronavirus  still has not been discovered.  The latest intelligence is that coronavirus conspiracy, according to the scripts that have been written, is officially scheduled to stop June 2022.  We think it should stop now after all there is the economy to think about and poor and depressed economies which need relief abound.       

Dealing with the coronavirus politics is not easy. For doctors who have told patients that they have coronavirus, the best thing to do is to tell them that the coronavirus was a false alarm and that no pandemic has occurred. Doctors should also tell their patients that statistics generated by terrorist which were syndicated are false and there are problems with general news and information in many areas even politics. COVID 19 was and still is a political conspiracy and the people involved are being brought to justice every day. This form of transparency will make many people very happy.

People wearing masks nor dramatic videos do not prove the coronavirus. False testimony, fabricated evidence do not prove the coronavirus. Laws created in conspiracy and inspired by terrorists do not prove the coronavirus .  Yet citizens still have  the right to believe in the lies and  to feel protected; However, great is the harm that has been done to society, life, business, government and the economy by the coronavirus political conspiracy and  as each day passes there should be no complaints by terrorists being brought to justice.

Until each coronavirus terrorists team around the world is subdued this hoax and the politics behind it will continue to be their won worst enemy as they are brought to justice on charges much worse.

MMXII December 11, 2020: News & Justice: UTC+14: Terrorists continue to produce coronavirus conspiracy media highlighting videos and pictures of the psychological results produced on society by their COVID-19. People wearing masks has a reinforcing effect on the minds of terrorists who feeling very proud of themselves say “Look at what we did, our virus shut down whole cities!

Poor communication after each wave of justice has caused confusion.  Governments around the world and businesses are beginning to reason better seeing that coronavirus did not fool the one element it needed to fool and that is God;  and who because the coronavirus and all political conspiracies, keeps terrorists in a state of tribulation and judgment.   Nevertheless every day new groups of terrorists take over and new waves of coronavirus and political terror continue the cycle that brings them to justice. Even the common criminal has more common sense and knows when to stop.

MMXII December 10, 2020: Pubic Health WC & COVID-19:  UTC+14:  Dealing with the coronavirus politics is not easy. For doctors who have told patients that they have coronavirus, the best thing to do is to tell them that the coronavirus was a false alarm and that no pandemic has occurred. Doctors should also tell their patients that statistics generated by terrorist which were syndicated are false and there are problems with general news and information in many areas even politics. COVID 19 was and still is a political conspiracy and the people involved are being brought to justice every day. This form of transparency will make many people very happy.

MMXII December 9, 2020: Laws & Justice: UTC+14: The coronavirus  political militancy is like an octopus old in its age and soon it will not be able to grow new appendages if one is severed.  However, the mass media, news and political conspiracy still remains the younger and fresher octopus but who can get old real fast.

More important is that people want to do the right thing; and so they wear masks.  People wear masks because they are scared and doctors and false news and information keep them scared. Many common people have sound arguments as to why masks are necessary, however, they assume that their line of reason is based on real information.  Others wear masks because of laws passed, laws that cost the conspiracy, members of their militancy each day they continue.   Why you ask?  Because it is false.

Yet people still want to do the right thing or not get into to trouble. However, the social customs visible in society do not justify the title pandemic or  the wearing of masks.  People sit side by side.  They kiss and they hold hands.  Women hug their husbands and men hug their wives.  Friends get together in each others houses or apartments with no masks and no talk of coronavirus, imagine that.

The fact is the system that proves coronavirus was created by terrorists. It is a strategy used by doctors and government workers some who know it is not legitimate which is why the justice process continues on coronavirus and all organizational, legal,  political and business conspiracies associated with it.

The medical authority who developed the coronavirus conspiracy after they discovered COVID-19 and created a vaccine for it have been brought to justice and the vaccine was never needed because the spread did not work. But it is still out there yet there is a big a show now going on again about the cure.  Whoever is putting it on have failed to detect what happened to the previous vaccine conspiracies which have been brought to justice on charges much worse.

MMXII December 8, 2020: Justice and Reason: The average person is protected from terrorist coronavirus fanatics who use the same arguments over and over again. But if it helps anyone, we will remind everyone of a few facts.

Dramatic stories with pictures of people wearing masks or in dramatic videos do not prove that the coronavirus true. False testimony and fabricated evidence does not prove that the coronavirus is true. Laws created in conspiracy and inspired by terrorists do not prove the coronavirus is true. However, citizens still have the right to believe lies and feel protected.

Great is the psychological damage that has been done to society, life, businesses, government and the economy by the political conspiracy of the coronavirus and every day that passes there should be no complaints as terrorists  are brought to justice. Every team of coronavirus terrorists around the world will subdued if not brought to justice.

MMXII December 8,  2020: The Planet: UTC+14: Scientists at Dimensional Speak have determined that among the planets that  orbit the sun that the planet Jupiter almost became a star. The same might also be said of Saturn.

According to the latest findings, every planet in the solar system has or had at one time an active system of miraculous fusion at its core responsible for creating its mass (mass=surface area + gases).

These empirical process (volcanic process) are responsible for making the hard surface and the particular atmosphere of each planet. A planet’s mass is a combination of its atmosphere (its gases) and its surface. Gases have weight, can fuse and be very heavy.

MMXII December 7, 2020: Health & Justice: UTC+14: Those orchestrating a new coronavirus vaccine, while furthering the notions of their political conspiracy to become new “heroes of society” will be just another script which will bring new terrorists justice.  Why? because even the show of the vaccine is intended to keep people believing in the coronavirus.  This is what terrorists want and the same conspiracy that gave you the vaccine will fade away only for another conspiracy in the future  to exploit the trust of people who believed whole heartedly in coronavirus.

If a vaccine psychological hoax succeeds, the people will still be brought to justice and the next wave of terrorists will use it to stay in control of people’s minds and lives.  More justice is always a good thing and it will be left up to each wave of terrorists to try to compete for your trust as they meet the forces of justice which  are the vaccine that cures corruption on the planet.    

The previous teams who supposedly discovered a vaccine have been brought to justice. The best thing to do is to cure patients of their symptoms and illnesses which they are told is coronavirus and admit to admit the public that coronavirus was a false alarm, and that COVID 19 was and still is a political conspiracy and the people involved are getting brought to justice.  This form of transparency will greatly help the general public.

MMXII December 6, 2020: Literacy: UTC+14: ….Unencumbered now by the editing presence of his father and his friends who were no longer around, Brenton was free to learn and search for knowledge of what it meant to be American.   He decided to accept an invitation from Mr. Obrien to the schools July 4, celebration were a professor was scheduled to recite a monologue of Patrick Henry. …

Mass media, political news and general information remain in a state of emergency.

MMXII December 5, 2020: Business & Justice: UTC+14: Hark! The British are coming! The British are coming! New sets of Redcoats with their Prussian conscripts have taken control of Black Friday and remain in control of mass media, political news and general information.  Terrorists are out of control in the business world.   New terrorists and fresh corrupt hearts  have extended and revived the Black Friday marketing campaign.

In some countries Black Friday sales are held on the day after Thanksgiving.  However, Black Friday is not the official or even unofficial start of the holiday shopping season which is a time of light, happiness and holiday cheer.  TCC The Crown Corporation would never approve of the name Black Friday for marketing.

For more than  one hundred years, the adjective “black” has been applied to days where bad things happen.  For terrorists, this chosen brand is to be their ticket to justice. The many events have been described as “Black Friday.” Now the judgment of God visiting the corruption of terrorists is added to the list.  The difference is, instead of people suffering at the hands of terrorists, it will be terrorists who suffer a justice long awaited not having learned from history of what has happened to their conspiracy to date.

In American History the Panic of 1869 is associated with Black Friday, which occurred when financiers took advantage of their connections with the Grant Administration in an attempt to corner the gold market.  Supposedly President Grant fell to a terrorists plot and released a large supply of gold and prices dropped by eighteen percent which caused even more corruption.

Many other references to Black Friday exist revealing the intents of todays terrorists conspiracy who placed the information inside Wikipedia for all the world to know their shame.  Companies worldwide have used Black Friday which even has its own website where you can see the effects of terrorism at work in all our favorite companies and brands systematically targeted by terrorists.

A good review of business and life in decline around the world reveal another aspect of the terrorists conspiracy one which aims to continue to try and traffic in children and that wants to keep children from going to school and people living in poverty or on welfare, wearing COVID-19 masks and buying from their catalogs.

No matter how much people spend this holiday season, terrorists are never going to enjoy their conspiracy to get rich.   This is the end of an age of political & business corruption.  Eventually this international terrorism will stop or be stopped by forces of justice that look to liberate us from the tyranny which works everyday to keep us in its grip and tax us without representation. Hark! The British are coming the British are coming! And their Prussian conscripts as well.

Schoolhouse Rock !

MMXII December 5, 2020: International Justice: UTC+14:  In today’s PDF students from different universities staged a national day of protest at the historic Mendiola Peace Arch in Manila on Black Friday. Called the Black Friday protest, Groups from various schools blamed government forces for the arrest of thousands of individuals and  deaths of a number of people.

The latest marketing campaign “Black Friday” is being brought to justice. Since it started, Black Friday Day was placed in judgment together with Days that encourage the drinking of alcohol as well as well efforts that continue coronavirus and all political conspiracies.

Black Friday has the feeling of cult and sect written all over it. In American History the Panic of 1869 is associated with Black Friday, which occurred when financiers took advantage of their connections with the Grant Administration in an attempt to corner the gold market.  Supposedly President Grant fell to a terrorists plot and released a large supply of gold and prices dropped by eighteen percent which caused even more corruption.

Many other references to Black Friday exist revealing the intents of todays terrorists conspiracy who placed the information inside Wikipedia for all the world to know their shame.  Companies worldwide have used Black Friday which even has its own website where you can see the effects of terrorism at work in all our favorite companies and brands systematically targeted by terrorists.

A good review of business and life in decline around the world reveal another aspect of the terrorists conspiracy one which aims to continue to try and traffic in children and that wants to keep children from going to school and people living in poverty or on welfare, wearing COVID-19 masks and buying from their catalogs.

No matter how much people spend this holiday season, terrorists are never going to enjoy their conspiracy to get rich.   This is the end of an age of political, organizational & business corruption.

MMXII December 4, 2020: Politics: UTC+14 The news continues to be the method by which society can measure the threat level of terrorist activity in politics, legislation, business and organizational life while at the same time feeding a justice cycle ready and willing to process those guilty of the day’s terrorists acts adding even more criminal conspiracy charges to the international political conspiracy guilty of the murders of millions of children, women and men .

With people anxious to see their world as it really is, terrorists feel they can extend the life of false political worlds in each nation failing to account for the consequences these last years have brought to those who also thought they were succeeding in the same news conspiracy one which has seen a dramatic decline in the players.

Mixing real local news and human interest stories has long been the method favored by the international news conspiracy which has been able to fool the public up to now, However, the people who succeeded using this method have had to accomplish it through a long chain of justice and the perpetrators never fully get to appreciate their deception.

Now the question remains is how long can the syndicate sustain the international deception on the public at large with citizen demands around the world peaking more each day demanding greater responsibility. These strong arm news methods of today’s political conspiracy  are reminiscent of those of Leonid Brezhnev the old communist strong man of Russia whose death was just celebrated last month..

Then there was Khrushchev who regularly enacted policies without consulting the rest of the Politburo.

The kind of men who repeatedly get brought to justice in todays international political conspiracy are very much same. But with or without a consensus, perfect justice meets every effort at the appointed time usually taking everyone by surprise; and then we start all over again with a new set of players. Either they lie to each other and themselves  or have lost all reason and by now we should all be shaking hands and on our way to the new world, one which looks radically different than todays news at CNN and all major news agencies.

MMXII December 3, 2020: Religion : UTC + 14: The story of the Mormon Trail is rooted in the beginnings of a reform Christian religion called the Church of Jesus Christ. The religion like others such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses had premonitions of the end of the world. Later the the Church of Jesus Christ changed its name to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Them and all those who prophesied the end of the world were not to far from the truth. It is the end of a period of time in our world. The old world is passing away together with its systems of child and human sacrifices , its atheism and its moloch religion one embraced by the Freemasons.

Those who once controlled the world were once a very small, but very powerful group of people. They controlled the world’s wealth. Now things are slowly changing as the justice and judgment of God sweeps the earth every day.

In 1827, 21-year-old Joseph Smith preached and prophesied and produced badly needed and welcomed new scripture that answered questions raised mostly by freemasons and men of secret societies. His sessions of questions and answers and teachings is now a part of many histories destroyed or altered, but they served their purpose in helping to reform  Christianity in the United States and later other parts of the world.

Today the same freshness of the Holy Spirit is being taught again to people and religions worldwide and if we are not careful the men of secrecy will again rise and erase or alter the words the Holy Spirit has given us through the world crown’s ministry; and judgment of God MMXII.

In 1830, in western New York, Joseph Smith organized a legal entity that would become new The Church of Jesus Christ. His followers, regarded Smith as a prophet and messenger of the Holy Spirit. Thousands of people came to believe in the peaceful ministry of Joseph Smith and many cities and peaceful settlements were made in the United States in what were considered hostile lands.

Jospeh Smiths Holy Spirit Christian ministry was amazing. Religion around the world is now beginning to embrace the latest intervention of the Holy Spirit, the author and inspiration of all good religions worldwide.

MMXII December 2, 2020: Reading : UTC + 14:  Angelcraft  Comics has published another chapter in MMXII Calendars.  Talking Crow’s Testament just written today is insightful fiction and acceptable for readers of all ages.

MMXII December 2, 2020: Business : UTC + 14  The fall of retail & the rise of e-commerce? Retail apocalypse you say? It is hard to imagine citizens of the planet desiring to trust in the e-commerce of terrorists organizations even when major retail outlets closed or facing closure. Why? Citizens want political truth and for terrorist to stop their coronavirus conspiracy.

The Retail Apocalypse script seems to be guide about how to write about this terrorist blunder who want to turn it into the new “dread.” Up to year 2020 of this history,  it mentions none of the details of the corruption that played a part in the decline of business.

The fact is that terrorists want us to live in an automatic and corrupt world dominated by their values and their digital news and mass media, virtual fashion and fantasy sports. At the same time they want to close schools, shut down education and hospitals and control all investments and fundraisers and the money in the world, nothing new; They send assassins to the Crown Corporation instead of working with them.  Around the world they have lost control of many businesses that were not theirs to control and which they have tried to take over.  At the same time they continue to ruin our world with their coronavirus political conspiracy.

These political terrorists, authors and facilitators of the coronavirus and wannabe business magnates are being brought to justice on serious crimes that involve murder, mass murder, serial murder, ritual murder, femnicide, child trafficking etcetera.

As their numbers decline, thousands of articles about business trying to make sense of it all use familiar terms and words such as pandemic, insolvency and bankruptcy as opposed to showing repentance for the crimes of their decadent culture of death .

The good thing is there is a limited number of terrorists and when they are gone, things will be much easier to fix. There is plenty of money in the world to save each business.  The problem is terrorists get in the way and are stalling progress.  As a consequence they are paying the price for doing so by not factoring into their business and political plans  the very serious criminal charges of their conspiracy.   However, at the end of all this, there is a rainbow. Those destined to lead in the new world will one day soon be able to work unhindered.

Keeping Track of Information

MMXII December 1, 2020: Metroweb : UTC + 14 As daily life in and around Delaware looks very healthy and normal, the City of Newark has once again closed city hall to the public attributing their problems to coronavirus. In political terms, that is like closing down a hospital to people who are in need of healing and better political information. People need political truth and the coronavirus information conspiracy must stop.  General society seems to be in much better condition generally speaking than the coronavirus conspiracy will admit.   

Today more people worldwide tested positive and confirmed for psychological disorders related to the coronavirus.  Trying to create rage in the general public, more coronavirus stories have been written and produced.  Coronavirus terrorism is dangerous in their system of trying to prove the coronavirus to gain public support for it and all its political and commercial implications.

Around the world the number of publications of coronavirus stories continues to rise, together with lies by professionals.  The trend around the world is using coronavirus as an excuse to coverup the justice that is happening all around the world.

In this conspiracy, which has already been. proven, the number of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths are statistics easily produced and corroborated by professionals or political officials, but not without meeting the forces of justice. By appearances, this is a conspiracy that is determined daily to destroy itself and it will shut down buildings before it tells the truth. Citizens must still keep aware and government, police, the military and news syndication must not support this conspiracy.

The shut down of government buildings to coronavirus, even churches, is a strategy to cover up the embarrassing fact that God’s justice meets the shores of our lives every day and no one wants to admit it. COVID-19 is being brought to justice by the only force in the universe which can help us escape this information holocaust and political conspiracy which is called coronavirus, a  psychological hoax if ever there ever was one.

We must use common sense. If the coronavirus were true, political officials, legislators, administrators and professionals and doctors who could help would not be brought to justice. Furthermore truth is not how the conspiracy defines it. Evidence of the justice against the political conspiracy has been more than sufficient to stop every conspiracy in effect against citizens around the world.  But we are still living in a world where more justice is needed.

If churches, the buildings of government and major business can be shut down its is only a matter of time before hospitals are shut down by people unwilling to tell the truth of this psychological hoax to the general public.  If this does happen, COVID-19, lack of sick people and money will be used as an excuse.

World Health Organization Info are new mass media emergency services and websites of the World Health Organization translatable into any language. They were created under the authority of Jose Maria Chavira M.S. in EnglishSpanish are available for use.

Keeping Track


Angelcraft Media A.M. with you always JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum 

November 2020 A.M. The Daily Page

God’s word …works like a good watch. If you are new to our service we welcome you! JC…


What writer or news service lulls you to sleep?   If you are tired of writers and news services who massage you, lie to you or pretend to take your side.   Then you have come to the right place.   Angelcraft Media Staff.

God’s word …works like a good watch. If you are new to our service we welcome you! JC

MMXII November 30, 2020: UTC + 14 Holiday: Hello and happy holy days. It is our hope and prayer that you enjoyed the month of November. Remember to drive safely and stay safe during the Christmas season.

MMXII November 29, 2020: News Regulation: UTC+14: Hello: Welcome to the Daily Page.   Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co is a mass media emergency warning service. We sometimes post in advance especially if  we foresee no drastic changes in the news.   Our service provides some articles, opinions, news, access to free literacy and light reading.   We welcome you to navigate our website.   If you are new to our service, political news in the media and general information are in a state of emergency. This means that television, radio, cable, and the Internet are not perfectly reliable.  It is important however to keep aware so no news, truthful or false, takes you by surprise.  Unlike most services, our emergency service provide religious writings to help provide some relief and understanding as to what is happening right all over the world.    Thank and Happy Holidays.

MMXII November 28, 2020: News Regulation: UTC+14: Hello: Welcome to the Daily Page.   Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co is a mass media emergency warning service.  We provide some articles, opinions, news, access to free literacy and light reading.   We welcome you to navigate our website.   If you are new to our service, political news in the media and general information are in a state of emergency. This means that television, radio, cable, and the Internet are not perfectly reliable.  It is important however to keep aware so no news, truthful or false, takes you by surprise.  Unlike most services, our emergency service provide religious writings to help provide some relief and understanding as to what is happening right all over the world.    Thank and Happy Holidays.

MMXII November 27, 2020: Planet: The Ocean : Seahorse is the name given to this animal from the sea whose rough exterior resembles more the skin of a crustacean than a fish to which many categorize it. There are many variations of the seahorses, as many as 46. But it each variation, is still considered a seahorse.

The seahorse is characterized by having a head and neck suggestive of a horse. Seahorses also feature segmented bony armor, an upright posture and a curled prehensile tail just like a new world monkey only the sea horse hangs upwards and while a monkey with a prehensile tail  hangs downwards.

The pipefish is a close relative or some might say a type of the seahorse. The sea dragon looks more like a seahorse than the pipefish. Seahorses are mainly found in shallow tropical and temperate salt water throughout the world. Considered a delicate fish, the seahorse thrives in the wild ocean filled with large hungry fish. They live in seabeds and near corals and can even look like coral.  Their armor looks like coral and can reflect and absorb light and color to help to protect them.

Seahorses mate to make little seahorses.  In the mating ritual the male mates with the female.  This is the most important part of the lesson.  Then afterwards little baby seahorses are born.

The marital bonds between seahorses are a secret protected the by the unwritten privacy laws of the sea. More important to the animal kingdom on land and in the sea is the natural reproduction of the species.

In a home aquarium, the seahorse are best appreciated with other seahorses and maybe a few very small nonaggressive fish. They eat brine shrimp and special food. Seahorse need to have little underwater trees and things to hang from and where they can be appreciated.

MMXII November 26, 2020: H: UTC+14: Hello & Happy Thanksgiving!  Two new websites and categories have been been made at Æ in English and Spanish.  We hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!”

MMXII November 25, 2020: News Regulation: UTC+14: Hello:  Welcome to the Daily Page.   Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co is a mass media emergency warning service.  We provide some articles, opinions, news, access to free literacy and light reading.   We welcome you to navigate our website.   If you are new to our service, political news in the media and general information are in a state of emergency. This means that television, radio, cable, and the Internet are not perfectly reliable.    Since 2012, major news providers  and  news distributors like CNN, BBC, La Jornada have been denounced together with politicians and various news conspiracies that they feature in their news.   

Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co have been a provider of extraordinary emergency news largely ignored by major news providers and even regulatory agencies.   There are billions of pieces of information we could discuss with you, but we feel it is not wise to compete with mass media.   For more than nine years, regulators, lawyers, politicians and major news providers such as CNN, BBC, La Jornada and major news distributors have not yet contacted our offices.  Our emergency protocols require that we remain in one place and make ourselves available for contact in person or by telephone. 

MMXII November 24, 2020: Health & Nutrition: UTC+14: Thanksgiving is near and with it lots of rich and nutritious food to eat so your body can make protein. The body of a turkey makes protein making turkey a great source of protein.

Protein is also found in fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds. This is because the process of photosynthesis makes protein. Photosynthesis, is the process by which green plants, fruits and vegetables transform light into comestible energy. Protein is a result of that process and it is found in many plants, fruits and vegetables.

Protein is so normal to your daily life, you cannot escape it. The biological systems of humans and animals manufacture protein. It exists in your body and in the food you eat. Your body can also manufacture the amino acids necessary to make proteins. So can animals.  Animal-based foods (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy foods) are rich in their protein content.

Turkey has lots of protein. But in the event you do not eat turkey this Thanksgiving rest assured your body will make even more protein from what you eat; and so enjoy your Thanksgiving food knowing your body has a greater capacity for survival than you ever imagined.

Protein is used by the body to repair itself. This ability to heal itself  works like an immune system which uses protein to build and repair bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, blood, and tissue. Protein is a macronutrient, which means it is like water and your body needs protein which is why it makes protein and amino acids. Eating good food we compound this effect and happy eating is what makes living worthwhile.

MMXII November 23, 2020: Mazatlan offices: UTC+14:  AM The Daily Page is still planned. The object is to give the Daily Page its own website and archive our daily pages in one area and eventually move it from here.  We are three days from Thanksgiving! The offices will be closed on Thanksgiving, but the phones will be answered.

MMXII November 22, 2020: Ethics & Justice &: UTC+14:  There are many human rights, activist and racial equality websites on the internet, but those that were written and developed by political terrorists are the most dangerous.  These websites go on and on telling the public about how much they care about every subject they bring to the table,  but are these websites really controlled by activists?  Or are they clever terrorists trying to keep citizens around the world distracted? In every part of the world more important problems exist that if solved could really help every activist cause in the world.  One of those problems is the mass media, political news and information crisis. So the next time you visit a very convincing looking major charity or activist website think before you act, it just may be under the control of child traffickers.

MMXII November 21, 2020: Activism & Justice: UTC+14:  Child trafficker websites on the internet are very clever and well made. They are places where child traffickers hide. Child traffickers hide in activism and in funds and charities that raise money for children. Even missing children’s websites are technically controlled by child traffickers. Child trafficker’s are political terrorists whose organizational websites dominate the worldwide web.

From END POVERTY to missing children, organizational websites are so convincing to the average person, that they get people to help them and even work for them.    When you see caring and seeming loving activism and it is sexualized for children, you know you have arrived the organizational website of very dangerous people.  These are venues which often demand your financial support or even donations. Sometimes they even ask you to invest.

MMXII November 20, 2020: Religion Psychology & Justice: The existence of child trafficking organizations in mainstream society is a symptom that greater religious and spiritual problems exist.  These organizations need and use children for their religious practices, children who often fail to return home.   These operations are so important to international child traffickers that they have to come up with clever websites to try to operate undetected and continue their child trafficking operations which they use also to make money.  Child traffickers will commercialize anything to do business anonymously on the internet and they have very impressive commercial (.com) or organizational websites (.org)

One of the ways to avoid making a mistake and donating, investing or buying merchandise from a terrorist organizations is to study their methods.   Their websites are lively even charismatic. Some of them even look very decent. The ones that are not as smart are those which use the theme of children. Often on these children thematic websites they use children’s pictures. In some you will notice that they try to provoke improper thinking about children.    Making the concept of having physical relations with children a debate is another tactic.  The use of pictures of children is more for the visual gratification of child traffickers and communication between them than anything else.

There are also watchdogs,  websites that are supposed to warn you; but these watchdogs are normally used to divert your suspicions onto websites and organizations already in trouble or which may not even exist.

It is a good assumption that the Holy Spirit every day blesses the judgment of God and it is not always applied to people who look like criminals.  Suit & tie political terrorist and their secret society practices are the reason  a great judgment of God is in effect.   However, in the judgment of God all terrorists, no matter how they dress, and who are considered the most dangerous people in the world, are brought to justice each in her own turn.

MMXII November 19, 2020: Regulation: UTC+14: The mass media, political news and general information are in a state of emergency. These are days to be cautious, to be aware of the news so as not to be taken by surprise; And don’t believe everything you read. There are many free books to read and things to do as you prepare for Thanksgiving. Stay away from television, cable radio, and even the Internet. If you decide to use the Internet, consider our services.

MMXII November 19, 2020: Health: UTC+14: Eating right and living right helps to restore balance to your body and even your mind. This means returning to fruit and vegetable diet especially if you are overweight or have high cholesterol. Drinking lots of fresh water also helps to regulate your body and works excellent with any natural diet of fruits and vegetables. It is also important to sleep well, and get lots of exercise and avoid drinking alcohol which can undermine your diet and dehydrate your body.

MMXII November 18, 2020: Education: UTC+14: As some people know there exist a string of information on the internet that works to confuse people about what fruits and vegetables are. But even if you get the definitions wrong, your body will still think that you are a genius if you feed yourself these wonderful and natural foods.

To make life simple fruits are sweet foods that contain fructose like apples and oranges.  A vegetable is usually associated with green foods such as the cabbage, spinach, alfalfa or any leafy edible plant. The bean and the potato is also considered a vegetable. The bean however, is also a seed. Grains are considered to be seeds. Seeds are found in various food plants. There exists seeds in fruits and vegetables. Seeds are things that grow into bigger fruits or vegetables. Even a potato, as large as it is, can function like a seed. Another big seed is the pit of an avocado. It acts just like a seed. People eat seeds and pumpkin seeds are a favorite snack during the holidays.

Do not worry about the confusion about nutritious food on the internet. I think there is even a story on the internet about some doctor who told his patient to stay from fruits and vegetables. What is a person to do?

MMXII November 17, 2020: News Regulation: UTC+14: Hello:  Welcome to the Daily Page.   Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co is a mass media emergency warning service.  We provide some articles, opinions, news, access to free literacy and light reading.   We welcome you to navigate our website.   If you are new to our service, political news in the media and general information are in a state of emergency. This means that television, radio, cable, and the Internet are not perfectly reliable.    Since 2012, major news providers  and  news distributors like CNN, BBC, La Jornada have been denounced together with politicians and various news conspiracies that they feature in their news.   

Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co have been a provider of extraordinary emergency news largely ignored by major news providers and even regulatory agencies.   There are billions of pieces of information we could discuss with you, but we feel it is not wise to compete with mass media.   For more than nine years, regulators, lawyers, politicians and major news providers such as CNN, BBC, La Jornada and major news distributors have not yet contacted our offices.  Our emergency protocols require that we remain in one place and make ourselves available for contact in person or by telephone. 

MMXII November 16, 2020: Health & WHO UTC+14:  As the mass media plague rages on trying to keep the hearts, minds of citizens around world infected, the World Health Organization WHO published a new website.  Under the authority and supervision of Jose Maria Chavira M.S. this website looks to be a breath of fresh air for men and women around the world expecting less pandemic and more positive health information to come from WHO.

Despite the success of Public Health by WHO  there are a great number of people still living in a world where terrorists control their minds and beliefs which is why stopping the political & information conspiracy is so important.    The new WHO World Health Organization website which was written in English can be translated into any language.   A new website in Spanish is also being considered. Plans for 2021 include a reduction in emergency publishings to a minimum of once a month at both the Spanish and English websites. World Health Organization Info is a mass media emergency service and website of the World Health Organization click here to visit.

MMXII November 16, 2020: Bulletin:  The World Health Organization Info mass media emergency website in Spanish is available for use.

MMXII Nov 15, 2020: Business UTC + 14: Yesterday Æ Commercial published its first page. This website by Angelcraft Emission is dedicated to publishing only the best commercials for all your favorite brands. view the commercial 

MMXII November 15, 2020: Justice & the Law: UTC+14 Because of the precedence in the law that has been set by terrorists being able to manipulate laws so easily, it is important to keep aware of what is happening. Passing coronavirus legislation under fictitious political leaders has caused many problems.

The existence of coronavirus legislation does not prove true the virus. Those who are responsible for coronavirus have been brought to justice. By ignoring the justice and continuing in coronavirus even more people were brought to justice; when will it all end?

These are good days to pray and believe that the justice of God will give you justice. Even if journalists don’t write about the justice of God, it does not prove that there is no God. The fact that all conspiracy evidence is ignored by journalist and politicians is a symptom of a much deeper problem.

MMXII November 14, 2020: Planet: Ethiopia: UTC+14  is a very old Christian & Muslim country. It has a large variety of flora & fauna. The mountains are covered with shrubs such as pyracantha, jasmine, poinsettia, and a varied assortment of evergreens. Caraway,, cardamom, chat, coriander, incense, myrrh, and red pepper are common. This is just a small sample of the richness of trees, plants and herbs contained within its boundaries.

The lakes and rivers of Ethiopia abound with numerous species of fish, birds, and wild animals are found in every region. Among them are the lion, civet and serval cats, the elephant, the bush pig, the gazelle, the antelope, the ibex, kudu, the zebra, the hyena and the baboon. Ethiopia has numerous apes of all shapes and sizes.

MMXII November 13, 2020: News Regulation: UTC+14 As we near the time of Thanksgiving, the last thing most people want to read about are brutal news stories written by the conspiracy, which every day faces the judgment of God. Nevertheless, these things still have to be kept up with in order to make sure perfect justice is applied.

To this very day news regulators, CNN or lawyers representing CNN or Amnesty international have not made contact with Angelcraft Media A.M with you always and irresponsible writing continues to flow form major news providers, especially CNN.

According to a recent collaborative effort between Amnesty International & CNN white supremacy news reported large numbers of Ethiopian civilians brutally killed. Nothing can be further from the truth. In the past, this kind of news report might have been true.  But white supremacy militaries just do not have the cooperation, the arms or the influence they once did over the Ethiopia.

The truth is that around the world large numbers of international white supremacy terrorists have been brought to justice and more get added to the totals every day. However since the coronavirus failed, they still want Africans and the races to die even if they have to lie about it. It is their way of making themselves feel better. How they get people to write their news stories is still quite a craft. In addition, a business advertisement by ETORO lacks prudence required by a more ethical business community. How disappointing and typical of CNN who continues to write unfeeling, uncaring and untruthful news.

MMXII November 12, 2020: News Regulation: UTC+14: Hello:  Welcome to the Daily Page.   Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co is a mass media emergency warning service.  We provide some articles, opinions, news, access to free literacy and light reading.   We welcome you to navigate our website.   If you are new to our service, political news in the media and general information are in a state of emergency. This means that television, radio, cable, and the Internet are not perfectly reliable.    Since 2012, major news providers  and  news distributors like CNN, BBC, La Jornada have been denounced together with politicians and various news conspiracies that they feature in their news.   

Angelcraft Crown Media & News Co have been a provider of extraordinary emergency news largely ignored by major news providers and even regulatory agencies.   There are billions of pieces of information we could discuss with you, but we feel it is not wise to compete with mass media.   For more than nine years, regulators, lawyers, politicians and major news providers such as CNN, BBC, La Jornada and major news distributors have not yet contacted our offices.  Our emergency protocols require that we remain in one place and make ourselves available for contact in person or by telephone. 

MMXII November 12, 2020 Technology: Apple:UTC+14 Introducing iPad Air. Featuring an all-screen design and 10.9” Liquid Retina display. The lightning fast A14 Bionic chip, which makes iPad Air faster than most PC laptops. It has Touch ID built right into the power button.  view the advertising 

MMXII November 11, 2020: Religion: UTC+14: UTC+14 What I have written about the practice of good religion is so basic to your souls that people of all good religions can identify with it. Even a good person who is a simple atheist, knows that it is not good to hurt others physically , emotionally or psychologically. And whether your source is Nanak, Bahai, Jesus Christ, Muhammed the Prophet, Moses, Jehovah, Siddartha Guatama, Lord Krishna or the Holy Spirit , the principles of goodness which exist around the world in every culture, remain the glue of civilization.  read the entire post  

MMXII Nov 11, 2020: A.M: UTC + 14: UTC+14 We are working on the website and are having some technical difficulties. We thank you for your patients

MMXII November 10, 2020: Opinion: UTC +14 Yesterday a woman from Mexico City who claimed to represent “El Universal” called the offices of the JC Angelcraft Foundation for Education in Mazatlán. The call was for a political poll on the governor of Sinaloa. She was told that any cooperation at this time in matters of state politics must come directly from the state administration of Sinaloa and in person, otherwise the offices would have gladly answered her call. read the entire post 

MMXII November 9, 2020: Technology: UTC + 14: Dragon Software a leader in voice recognition continues to be a highly successful company. Dragon Systems released NaturallySpeaking 1.0 as their first continuous dictation product in 1997.

Voice technology can do many things. Terrorist often use and exploit highly advanced software for their criminal activities. A expert can easily take this software and use the voice of another person. With a little skill, a terrorists can even put new words and dates into the mouths of men no longer alive.  Terrorists can take samples of the voice of a US President and create a virtual president.  Imagine Ronald Reagan saying the words I am running for President in 2024. Terrorists could make it happen.

Keeping a news & information record

MMXII November 8,  2020: Politics UTC + 14:  With news reporting that Joe Biden has won the presidency, terrorists` control of the Donald Trump white house account at YouTube refuses to admit the truth to the American public and continues with what looks will be another forced four years of Donald Trump news media.

With Angelcraft Media Division standing by waiting to be a potentially valuable ally for news and world politics, news agencies, news regulators or attorneys representing Donald Trump have not made contact. Donald Trump has been denounced as an international child trafficker along with charges of murder, etcetera, and was brought to justice more than 9 years ago.

There is no doubt that a media conspiracy is in effect, but the question remains is how terrorists having insufficient news videos and film footage of Joe Biden can switch their fantasy presidents. Critical services from government, national currencies and banking remain stable.

MMXII November 7, 2020: Metroweb: UTC+14 If there was ever hope for the success of small businesses, it is for those who want to grow so they can become medium and large size businesses, tomorrows giants.  If a health solution for major cities ever existed, it is the solar car electric bike which works best in small cities with low crime rates.  See our favorite solar car bike Video.

With regards to theft do not despair, good locks on tires and on the frames can deter the common thief and at worst flat tires might result in failed attempt to steal one of these highly desirable modern transportation tools coveted by students, housewives, executives, and the working man and woman.

Solar car electric bikes remain the future.  Also solar powered refrigerators, appliances and homes still look like they have a very good future. For the beginner, the solar powered light that you can install in a planter near a sunny window or in a yard is a good way to appreciate and become a fan of solar technology. Every night you have a free light made possible by the technology harnessing the free power of the sun.

The solar electric bike and car looks to have a solid future in small to medium size cities where important things like housing, hotels, suburbs, schools, stores and universities are relatively close together.  Larger cities will require a special care to deter theft and vandalism and even a black market from rising up.  If stolen cars are used or resold, you can bet the solar electric bike will be a target or criminal organizations worldwide.

The solar electric bike business will be challenged by terrorists who  are the patrons of spreading economic depression, smog and cardiovascular disease. These terrorists, if not stopped, will work legislation against the solar care bike which is  tremendous innovation for a growing world.

The car industry which could create their own solar electric bikes ,  are their own worst enemy and not from a lack of help and advice.   The industry, when it is controlled by terrorists, would give you smoggy cars and solar electric bikes instead of creating a solar electric bike economy and industry.  Naturally the automotive industry business will take a very long time to downsize.  People still need better public transportation, better cars, and so do businesses; especially in colder places where warm comfortable and high quality cars and transportation are needed the most. 

MMXII November 6,  2020:  Justice & News  UTC+14 –  Major news agencies around the world are reporting the U.S. presidential election.  The world crown is giving citizens law enforcement by bringing all terrorists conspiracies to justice each day.  The best that the world crown can do  for the the largest news agencies in the world is work to save the equipment, the company and the jobs of people not in conspiracy while together with citizens enduring terrorists takeovers of the news until all terrorists have been brought to justice.

Two days ago the news of Azetca 1 made criminals from common poor citizens showing no empathy as usual for the country’s poverty. At the same time Azteca news lied to Mexico’s citizens trying to convince the country of Mexico that Donald Trump & Andres Manuel Lopez  Obrador are in political power.  At around 2pm mountain time, Azteca broadcasts deceptive news coverage of Mexican presidency and also of  a very dismal voter turn out in the United States where Azteca reporters were said to be live. Other major news agencies in Mexico did much the same in what is standard behavior of a news industry whose investigative journalism scores low marks with CCBM regulators   In the brief 5 minutes we reviewed the sample of Azteca 1 news not one important interview with any US politician was secured, not even a false one.

MMXII November 5,  2020: War on terror: UTC+14 The new terror war is the COVID-19 political terror conspiracy.  In this conspiracy, people who who work in mass media, government and in business have moments of right and wrong and some turn into terrorists.  In doing so they take on the crimes of the conspiracy which they support.

The people of political conspiracy continue to be brought to justice.  So do the coronavirus terrorists for continuing this  unnecessary medical hoax one supported by terrorists controlled business & government websites.  Those who have perpetuated fraud in government, major business & education for purposes of terrorism have been brought to justice according to the level of danger they pose and this is a pattern we expect will continue until all terrorism and all conspiracies stop or are brought to justice.

As the justice of God sweeps the world, government services remain stable and continue.  Banks & currency are also miraculously stable with the help of the Holy Spirit. However, cities around the world continue in a visibly depressed state because of the psychological conspiracy called the coronavirus.  On the bright side small and medium sized businesses continue to open and lots of smiling faces and positive thinking in the people persists.   Tourism and movement in small cities continues to defy terrorism and police appear to be friendlier more helpful & useful.

Talking about the presidential elections in the United States, we expect terrorists to lie about voting and possibly adjust a script of an election that has already been written.  It is a four year story that starts with the fraudulent election of a man who only exists on paper in the fantasy worlds created by alcoholics and drug using, child trafficking, political terrorists who are also working to undermine professional & amateur sports.   Many professional & amateur sporting events have been canceled or postponed due to the coronavirus political conspiracy.  Some for other problems. As their conspiracy is brought to justice, terrorists want people to switch to fantasy football, fantasy baseball, fantasy basketball, fantasy rugby and fantasy soccer which are conveniently being set up and made ready.  Fantasy fashion shows called  hybrid shows and virtual fashion shows have already started.   At the price of even more justice against their conspiracy, fantasy governments continue to be written about worldwide by terrorists and journalists who blame government for false information.  What happened to investigative journalism? Before, writers and lawyers used to give their lives investigating the government for the truth. Now it seems they are all on the same side.

MMXII November 4,  2020: News Regulation UTC + 14 Mass media is in state of emergency for political news and general information.    Around the world anarchists try in vain for massive protests to make people believe that Donald Trump is alive. At least this is what it says in the news.  With many scripts hidden inside the mass media news, unless you live in the affected area you do not know if it is true or an event scripted by media terrorists.  Even riots are scripted.  In wikipedia you can see how terrorists share information and ideas about how to write a script. Protests against Donald Trump – Wikipedia.  This information at Wikipedia serves no purpose other than being used as a guide for anarchists and also to try to convince people that Donald Trump is alive.

Sometimes protests are arranged by professionals meaning they are protests for hire.  Still they can be harmful.  If you live in a red zone (a zone of aggression), It is best to keep away from gatherings that look to riot and cause anarchy and instead pray in your homes. God is judging the world and the police and the military will arrest rioters.  If they do not, it is because they are short on staff.  Become a police officer.

Every day in  mass media around the world, the international conspiracy tries to make Donald Trump an international problem.  They want you to believe in him and his equivalent in each nation so they can con continue in conspiracy not caring that their conspiracy is failing and being brought to justice.

We affectionally call the conspiracy by its latest name,  COVID-19.  Coronavirus is a political and psychological conspiracy.  The world crown is working to motivate the latest people in charge in every nation to the stop the coronavirus  political conspiracy and all conspiracies or be brought to justice.

Offices by JC Angelcraft 

” Hi, what can I do for you?” asked the information clerk to the man waiting at the counter.

The search engine gave your address as the company that owns my idea, with my exact words!

The clerk reads the man’s papers.

Pterodactyl Aerospace,  home of the Klingon Bird of Prey.  Never heard of it,”  said the clerk “and my father works in aerospace, we know all the companies.”

“I know this is my idea,” exclaimed the man standing at the counter.

“We are a collection agency,” affirmed the information manager stepping into the conversation

“What kind of collection agency is this?” asked the man at the counter.

“We represent a group of 17 search engines that collect information,”   said the manager

“I am telling JC Angelcraft right now about this,” said the man at the desk

“No don’t do that,” said the information Manager

“Maybe it was his idea?” said the young Clerk, “He is quite a thinker”.

“Will you shut up” said the information manager to the clerk “Go files some papers or something”

MMXII November 3,  2020: Politics & Justice UTC+14 The scripted presidency of Donald Trump continues in his absence. Donald Trump was brought to justice in 2011-2012 in the very first wave of justice. In the first wave of judgments, the judgment of God took away the world’s foremost satanic leaders. These men of politics and industry all belonged to secret societies. They called themselves Freemasons or Atheists and they claimed to be Socialists, Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives & Communists.

Many more leaders have been brought to justice since 2011-2012 enough so that by now the conspiracy should have stopped. Many government workers who have verified the justice are on the right side, but not all of them. And so some of them become terrorists and anarchists until they are brought to justice.

In government, especially the government of the world crown, we depend on the help of the Holy Spirit. Every day the Holy Spirit blesses the necessary judgments that will eventually clear the way for more meaningful and symbolic communication with the world crown.

The judgment of God continues to challenge the latest leaders in government, businesses & media hoping that none of them become terrorists, but if they do or pretend like they do not know what is happening they will be brought to justice. In every case God is in control and there is nothing to worry about.

Foreign and domestic terrorists control mass media and government websites and information until they are brought to justice. Then new groups take over and they are brought to justice. We feel that this cycle of justice, one of many, is the reason that no contact is made to the general public by the Industry or lawyers which represent news agencies and politicians who have been denounced and also brought to justice.

We get justice in many areas in the judgement of God which also transforms lives like Saul of Tarsus. It is best not to pay attention to mass media and pray for good blessing on the judgment of God each day and keep your day occupied with good positive and healthy activities.

MMXII November 2, 2020:  Crown Health & Medicine: UTC + 14 An infectious disease is not limited to just physical transmission, but also has psychological implications. If you do not contract an  infection designed by terrorists to make you sick, a terrorist organization will still work the psychological aspect of their terror campaign.   This is because there are always many financial scams tied to medical terror conspiracies.

A psychological disease is often an over exaggerated psychological conspiracy which is spread using word of mouth, the internet  and mass media , television, radio cable and wireless and appears everywhere; even in places where it does not belong.    A psychological disease is even more infectious than the real thing. This is because there are financial scams strategies that also aim to depress the economies of poor people in poor nations, while terrorists make money.

In a medical conspiracy, the goal of terrorists is to convince you about their viruses and they go to great lengths to pull off medical conspiracies real or psychological.

People who are psychologically infected with the COVID-19 virus can be treated with prayer, counseling, good information and better education about their symptoms many of which can be found in other illnesses even in anxiety.

The best way to prevent and slow down the psychological transmission of coronavirus is first to avoid all propaganda and gossip associated with it. Protect yourself and others by not spreading the coronavirus information.

When the coronavirus psychological conspiracy was just getting started the pandemic was inescapable and death was certain.  Today writers in well known medical organizations write that you can recover without requiring special treatment. That is the health industry’s way of letting you know there is nothing to fear.

If you are an older person or a person who is not in good physical condition or you have trouble breathing for whatever reason, wearing a COVID-19 mask is not for you. And so we recommend that you avoid places and situations which require the wearing the restrictive masks.  Also ask a doctor about getting on an oxygen tank. An oxygen mask is a mask you will enjoy.  Breathing air is life to your body and important to your health so make sure to live without restricting your oxygen intake as much as you can.  Fresh outdoor air strengthens your immune system.

MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Chateau Versailles: November 1,  2020: UTC + 14 Welcome and Hello:  We have arrived to the great month of November.  November is a month of beans and squash, chicken and turkey,   potatoes and sweet potatoes and the sharing of what we have to those less fortunate than we are.  In November, the smells from the kitchen seem a little bit crisper & more enticing than usual. On the cold days and nights, a cup of tea, hot cocoa or a cup of coffee take on a more special feeling.  This is a month of Thanksgiving and planning for the day when families and friends gather together to give thanks to God.     I pray the Holy Spirit continue to give you peace and wisdom about how to proceed in life, business, government and education every day.


The inner life is made better by expressing your emotions.  When hurt in our emotions, our personal feelings are healed when we communicate and process our feelings appropriately .  There is no better way to process your emotions than with honest and sincere  words.

Todays lyrics 


I found her diary underneath a tree
And started reading about me
The words she’d written took me by surprise
You’d never read them in her eyes
They said that she had found
the love she’d waited for
Wouldn’t you know it
She wouldn’t show it

When she confronted with the writing there
Simply pretended not to care
I passed it off as just in keeping with
Her total disconcerting air
And though she tried to hide
the love that she denied
Wouldn’t you know it
She wouldn’t show it

And as I go through my life
I will give to her my wife
all the sweet things I can find

I found her diary underneath a tree
And started reading about me
The words began to stick and tears to flow
Her meaning now was clear to see
The love she’d waited for
was someone else not me
Wouldn’t you know it
She wouldn’t show it

And as I go through my life
I will wish for her his wife
All the sweet things she can find
All the sweet things they can find

MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Chateau Versailles: November 1,  2020: UTC + 14 Welcome and Hello:  We have arrived to the great month of November.  November is a month of beans and squash, chicken and turkey,   potatoes and sweet potatoes and the sharing of what we have to those less fortunate than we are.  In November, the smells from the kitchen seem a little bit crisper & more enticing than usual. On the cold days and nights, a cup of tea, hot cocoa or a cup of coffee take on a more special feeling.  This is a month of Thanksgiving and planning for the day when families and friends gather together to give thanks to God.     I pray the Holy Spirit continue to give you peace and wisdom about how to proceed in life, business, government and education every day.


The inner life is made better by expressing your emotions.  When hurt in our emotions, our personal feelings are healed when we communicate and process our feelings appropriately .  There is no better way to process your emotions than with honest and sincere  words.

Todays lyrics 


I found her diary underneath a tree
And started reading about me
The words she’d written took me by surprise
You’d never read them in her eyes
They said that she had found
the love she’d waited for
Wouldn’t you know it
She wouldn’t show it

When she confronted with the writing there
Simply pretended not to care
I passed it off as just in keeping with
Her total disconcerting air
And though she tried to hide
the love that she denied
Wouldn’t you know it
She wouldn’t show it

And as I go through my lif




Angelcraft Media A.M. with you always JV MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum